I can feel it in my fingers; this post is going to be fun to write. Do you want to know why? Because last week I went road-tripping across the North Carolina and Virginia Piedmont. And I had fun. I don't typically blog day-by-day recaps of my life, but I had a really, really good time. So I'm going to write about it.
My spring break began as many college students' do—at my parents' house in Apex, NC. I spent Monday and Tuesday sleeping in late, spending time with friends in the area, and watching movies with my family.
Then it began. Wednesday, March 17th: Taylor's Epic Road-Trip of S.B. Twenty-Ten.
We hung around chatting with the band for a while (yes, we know the band; we're kind of a big deal), and eventually I made it back to Elon via High Point. (If you've chosen to follow along on the map, I am now at point F.)
963 miles.
5 days.
4 universities.
2 states.
1 concert.
And a giant gorilla named Allen
(or Elliott, depending on your level of intoxication).
From Apex I drove west to Elon College (you can follow my route on the map above) where I pretended to be an Elon student for a while and then met up with a few friends from high school. Watched Aladdin. Spent the night with one of my best friends. Woke up the next morning for another full day of road-tripping.
Thursday I drove to High Point University for coffee with a good friend from camp, pretended to be a HPU student for a while, and then met up with another friend from camp for dinner. After a quick bite to eat that thankfully did not include any Chili Cheese Tots (barf), we set out with two other Carbon Leaf fans for The Visulite Theater in Charlotte for a "St. Patty's Day Show: Pt. II."
We hung around chatting with the band for a while (yes, we know the band; we're kind of a big deal), and eventually I made it back to Elon via High Point. (If you've chosen to follow along on the map, I am now at point F.)
Then it was Friday. I went to UNC-Chapel Hill to have a quick (but absolutely delightful) lunch with more camp friends. And then I drove up to Roanoke Rapids where I dropped off my car, D.W., and teamed up with Jen Thomas (and her unfortunately nameless Jeep) for the last and longest leg of Taylor's Epic Road-Trip of S.B. Twenty-Ten.
Now, this isn't to say that any of the other parts of my trip were less special or important to me, but when I hopped into Jen's car and we popped that CWR boat mix into her CD player, I could hardly breathe I was so ecstatic. I had been looking forward to our trip up to James Madison University for weeks and finally the day had come. Windows down, music up—we were on our way.
3.5 hours, 2 Lady Gaga CDs, 2 boat mixes, and a whole lot of giggles and squeals later, we arrived at Exit 245, JMU; just in time for InterVarsity large group.
It was so good to see my friends.
After large group, Jen and I got a brief tour of the school and its surroundings. Apparently all of the houses at JMU have names, which I love. Jen and I stayed at Uptown. There's also The Toolbox, The Pink House, The White House, The Lighthouse, The Rough House, Full House, Treehaus... I think you get the picture; there are a lot of houses. Jen and I were most excited to get to visit The Zoo. I had been singing the Raffi song about it all day:
It definitely exceeded our expectations. I worked at camp this past summer with 3 of the 5 guys who live there, and I had a blast getting to hang out with them in their element. What was even more cool, though, was witnessing the genuine brotherly love that these men showed toward each other around the house. I was so encouraged by the obvious way that they really cared about stirring up one another to love and good works. They built each other up and held each other accountable. They communicated and loved on one another. It was a blessing to see such Christ-centered friendships while I was there.
I experienced some awesome Godly fellowship this past weekend. To be able to go grocery shopping and cook a delicious dinner with my friends in Harrisonburg was so much fun. (And the teriyaki chicken, grilled veggies, and instant mashed potatoes were delicious!)
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common…And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.Acts 2:42-47
All five of our hosts up at JMU were wonderful. Really, really wonderful.
On Sunday, after I embarrassingly nodded off during an 8:30am church service, napped off my drowsiness, and grabbed lunch with my friends, Jen and I headed home. We were not excited about the drive we had ahead of us, but ended up making it home in good time.
Arriving home after such a fun trip can sometimes be depressing, but I'm glad I'm home. For now.
Days 'til summer at Camp Willow Run: 53
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