Thursday, February 25, 2010


Things that made February 25, 2010 a great day in the life of Taylor Cox:
+ morning snowfall
+ my favorite scarf & sweatshirt
+ encouraging text messages
+ morning coffee at Global Village
+ the Gene Wilder look-alike roaming around campus
+ History of Math testconquered
+ believe it or not, people still ride Razor scooters
+ today's Technician contains an article on skinny ties
+ I got out of all four of my classes at least 15 minutes early
+ MTV's True Life: My Parents Are Broke in School & Society
+ immediately finding a parking spot on the street behind Hillsborough
+ doing a killer job parallel parking
+ clip from Mean Girls in Adolescent Psychology
+ fellowship group at mi casa
+ cookies & cream ice cream delivery

Sometimes the little joys in life overwhelm me. My heart is full.